The Book of Revelation
Throughout 2019 our church preached through Revelation. It was a challenging and profound series that shaped us as a community. It taught us how to read scripture by grappling with issues like context, genre and intended audience. We came away with a deeper conviction that it can cut through the fog of modern life to help us meet with Jesus.
We also developed a culture that wasn't afraid of sitting with difficulty. Revelation is a challenging book. Its foreign language shocks our modern sensibilities, and it leaves no room for cliched answers, demanding a response from us. There were weeks where it was hard for us, but we came away with a deep belief that you can't experience the fullness of the Gospel without doing hard things. We realized that comfort shouldn't be our priority, but faithfulness; and that takes hard work.
Below is our full collection of teachings on the book of Revelation. We hope that you are as blessed and challenged by these words as we were.
Unfortunately, due to a technical error, we were unable to record Chp 18's sermon. Colin did a version of the same sermon at Bethlehem Baptist Church which you can view below.