A key part of our life together is our eldership. Elders play a role in providing leadership to our community. They are the people who are set apart by God and the community to make sure that we are becoming the church that God is calling us to be.
Elders are elected at our annual AGM in November. Technically all 5 elders terms expire this year, but we recognize that we need to stagger this process so that we don’t have to elect an entire new eldership every second year. So we are going to extend the seats of 3 elders for 1 extra year, in order to provide continuity and stagger elections on an ongoing basis. That means that this year, there are 2 seats up for election.
So we are putting out the call for nominees for eldership. We believe that God speaks to us through His Word and His Holy Spirit as well as through us as a community. So we are asking you to pray about who you think God might be highlighting for leadership in our community.
Below is a document that lays out the theology of leadership GSB operates under, the key tasks of an Elder, as well as the role requirements. Please take the time to consult this as you pray about potential people. It goes into more detail about the nomination process and covers some FAQs.
Nominations will close on the 19th of September.
This is an incredibly important part of our life together as a community, so can I ask that you earnestly pray and help us to discern who God is calling to leadership for this next season.